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Home / Blog / Freelance Visa Dubai – What Is It, And How Can You Obtain It?


Freelance Visa Dubai – What is it, and how can you obtain it?

April 14, 2023

Internal research has shown that over 62% of the companies in the UAE are currently looking for contractors or part-time/project-based workers. Given that the gig culture is undoubtedly on a hike – Freelancing has become more popular than ever.

With individuals looking to get independence and a higher degree of flexibility in their work-life, freelancing seems to be the best, most suitable career option among the Millennials.

What is a Freelance visa, and how can you start freelancing legally in the UAE?

A freelance visa is a residence visa that allows you to live in the country. You will also need a work permit or freelance license to start legally freelancing in the UAE, along with a freelance visa.

A freelance work permit allows freelancers to take up part-time and project-based jobs around the country with as little as no hassle. In comparison, a freelance license is equivalent to registering an independent one-person company.

How can Dynamic Freelancer help you?

Dynamic Freelancer is a comprehensive platform that helps Freelancers start their journey in the UAE without any hassle whatsoever.

We are a leading Mainland Freelance Platform in the UAE. Freelancers on our platform have the complete freedom & flexibility to take up projects anywhere in the country with both – Private and Public companies. Moreover, you can also take up clients from overseas if you choose to freelance through our platform.

Get your freelance visa and Get started with freelancing in the UAE.

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